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Crimson Guard

La franchise

Page Punchers

Année de sortie


Type de libération

Boxed, 2-Pack

Série ou Vague

G.I Joe Page Punchers

Matériel d'origine

G.I. Joe

Crimson Guard
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Crimson Guard
Crimson Guard

CRIMSON GUARD: The Crimson Guard are the elite shock troops of the COBRA Legions. All "Sieges" must hold a degree in either law or accounting as well as being in top physical condition. Final stages of training take place in the deepest recesses of COBRA Headquarters and is purported to involve an initiation ceremony to hideous for description.

Crimson Guardsmen are too precious to be wasted on the conventional battle field. They are dispersed about the country in deep cover, assuming apparently normal appearances and life-styles. Watch out. That friendly new neighbor of yours might just have a red uniform hanging in his closet...

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