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Cliff Burton 'Superhero Poster'



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Cliff Burton Series 2

Material de origen

Music and Bands, Metallica

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Cliff Burton 'Superhero Poster'
Cliff Burton 'Superhero Poster'

Known as “The Major Rager” bassist from the band Metallica, Cliff Burton is regarded as one of the most influential musicians in heavy metal music. The latest 7” scale, highly articulated Cliff Burton ULTIMATES! Figure is inspired by the fantasy “Superhero Poster” art by designer Juan Machado. Featuring intricate sculpt and premium paint detailing, the figure comes with two interchangeable heads and multiple interchangeable hands, as well as an assortment of accessories including a bass guitar with removeable energy effect, a lightning hammer, and more. Add the Superhero Poster Cliff Burton ULTIMATES! Figure to your collection so Cliff can continue to rock for all of eternity!

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