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The History of the Daleks #16/17 – New Series Gold and Black Daleks (08021)

Featuring one Time War survivor Dalek and one Black Dalek, these Daleks herald back to the start of the New Series in 2005. During 2004 the props department were challenged with coming up with a new Dalek design for the series. The feeling of those involved was that the Dalek needed updating to a more modern look.

In the story ‘Dalek’ one surviving Dalek is kept in an underground bunker, the pet plaything of a multi billionaire who collects alien junk. When it finally regenerates, we find out exactly how deadly one lone Dalek can be.

Black Dalek Sec is one of a set of four Daleks to emerge from a Dimension Ship on Earth in the Torchwood research facility. These survivors of the Time War have hidden in the spaces between dimensions awaiting the moment to emerge once more. Upon their arrival, all hell breaks loose as the Daleks and Cybermen rally for an all-out war.

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