DC Direct
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General, Page Punchers Wave 2
Material de origen
DC Multiverse, The Flash

As he grew older, Mick’s pyromania grew uncontrollable. Inspired by Central City’s band of costumed super-villains, the Rogues, Mick invented a handgun-sized flamethrower and a flame-retardant suit for himself. He adopted the code name “Heat Wave” as he began channeling his destructive urges into profit. Eventually, and despite his contentious relationship with the Rogues’ leader, Captain Cold, Mick became an official member of the criminal organization. Hotheaded and volatile, Heat Wave’s endless need to find an outlet for his peculiar obsession makes him dangerous and unpredictable, but not altogether evil. He’s sometimes turned over new—if slightly charred—leaves at the behest of superheroes, who’ve offered him more productive ways to turn up the heat.
Product Features:
Incredibly detailed 7” scale figures based off the DC Multiverse
Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play
Heatwave is based on the exclusive included comic designed by McFarlane Toys
Heatwave comes with his Heat Gun, and a base
Included is a collectible comic featuring what the figure is based on, as well as a collectible art card with figure artwork on the front, and character biography on the back
Figure is showcased in DC Direct themed window box packaging
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