
Oct 2, 20192 min

Triple Force Friday, UK shopping options?

The 4th of October 2019 is Triple Force Friday, the day the merchandise for three huge Star Wars properties - Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian and the EA Games Fallen Jedi - start to arrive in stores.

Stay up to date with what Action Figure product to expect at our events page.

Here in the UK we used to look forward to Midnight Madness at selected Toys R Us stores for Force Friday. But with Toys R Us a distant memory we try and understand where you could get your Star Wars fix come the 4th of October 2019 and in person. We will aim to keep this post updated as any more info comes in...

Online shoppers can expect everyone to drop their product order pages come midnight on the 4th of October. While that probably means waiting until Saturday for product, in this day and age I suspect we may see some next day deliveries dispatched just after midnight to land on your doorstep on Friday.

If you are a retailer and want to share some details with us of your Triple Force Friday plans then drop us a PM on Facebook or Twitter.

Checkout your local specialist via our UK directory

Or for online shoppers, we have our Online directory

Forbidden Planet

The most likely choice at present if you have a Forbidden Planet store near you, with the Shaftesbury Avenue store opening at midnight on the 4th of October for an hours trading. Orders should go up around the same time on their website for delivery the early part of the following week.

Forbidden Planet International

While they have no online store anymore, it is pretty certain FPI will have stocks from opening on the morning of Friday 4th of October.

Disney Store

A good choice for a trip on Friday would be the Disney Store. Shop DIsney UK have confirmed a big product launch on Friday and have a teaser page in place. As the only really Disney own merchandise we saw on the product reveal was the figurine pack - we would hope Disney have a good selection of the new Hasbro product to choose from come the 4th.


Our expectations of Smyths have changed in the week run up to Triple Force Friday. First we had a full list of the new Black Series figures on their German website, indicating a potential stock of the figures across their network. It was then confirmed they would be stocking the Carbonized First Order Jet Trooper as an Exclusive (Hasbro press release) and that indicates they will have some form of offering - whether that is from 4th October onwards, or later into the Autumn remains to be seen.


Have done flyers and product launches for previous Force Fridays, but as yet there is no details or news.


Very unlikely. Best bet would be to see the new Galaxy of Adventures start to filter through.

The Entertainer

While the Entertainer have been the "go to" store recently for Star Wars, it has all been older product. Entertainer managers have no knowledge of any event for next Friday. Again, the best you could expect would be the Galaxy of Adventures product to show up.
