
Oct 15, 20161 min

Action Figure Stand Review : NECA Clear Stand

NECA identified in 2014 that their figures were missing a compatible figure stand, and therefore set about releasing their own version.

The NECA perspex stand sits 4 inches across, and works on a peg system with the stand peg fitting one foot hole on the figure. The figure still needs to provide the stability in the waist and hips, but with the foot locked in position it does give the figure a more stable base.

Although designed for NECA figures, these do also work really well with the Diamond Select range of figures.

Being perspex and clear, these stands are going to blend in with your display shelf or cabinet making them more aesthetically pleasing than say the bulkier waist grip stands from Kaiser. They aren't perfect however with a very defined rim and some TM information stamped under every stand.

These stands are available from any NECA retailer in packs of 10. On the current prices, these stands will be setting you back about £2.20 each

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