
Feb 17, 20182 min

Toy Fair 2018 : Marvel Legends inc 10 years of the MCU

We were aware, thanks to leaks before Toy Fairy, or a series of releases in 2018 celebrating 10 years of the MCU. While we had seen a couple of these before the show I don't think anyone realised how deep this celebratory set of figures was going to be.

Essentially we have 10 sets coming in 2018 and these pretty much breakdown into one release per year of the MCU, so 2008 through to 2018. They range from single figures to three packs, and if you collect them all and display them side on in their packaging they make up a freeze celebrating 10-years of Marvel movies.

The sets breakdown as follows

Iron-Man : Tony Stark in Suit & Iron-Man Mk1

Captain America : Red Skull (includes parts to convert the figure to Hydra soldiers)

Avengers : Iron-Man Mk7

Iron-Man 3 : Pepper Potts, The Mandarin & Iron-Man Mk22 "Hotrod"

Thor Dark World : Thor & Lady Sif

Guardians of the Galaxy : Ronan the Accuser

Avengers Age of Ultron : Hulk and Hulkbuster

Ant-Man : Yellow Jacket & Ant-Man

Civil War : Captain America & Crossbones

Infinity War : TBC

Within this we get to revisit some very sorely missed figures such as Ronan the Accuser and Yellow Jacket. We also get a welcome re-release of the Hulkbuster armour and some new Iron-Man armours such as the Mark 1, Mark 7 and the Mark 22 "Hot Rod". The Infinity War set still remains "unconfirmed" but there are strong indications from the artwork that Doctor Strange will be one figure, another potentially being Thanos - maybe in the armour he has been criticised as not wearing in the Avengers wave.

Product was also on display in the Legend series for Ant-Man & The Wasp. Figures of both the titular characters will be released later this year. Both have masked and unmasked head, and the unmasked Ant-Man head has a very "Scott Lang" expression. These will be packed within a 2nd Avengers wave later in 2018 alongside comic book figures of the Black Knight and repaint of Malekith. The remainder of the wave is yet unknown, but it is being called an Avengers wave so it could feature more characters from Infinity War?

And they are not apparently finished with Black Panther as an Everett Ross & Killmonger (unmasked) are going to Target (US) stores as an exclusive. Sadly Killmonger is not in his tribal mask from his early Black Panther scenes and is simply a re-pack of the single Killmonger with an unmasked Michael B Jordan head sculpt.
