
Feb 7, 20182 min

Solo (A Star Wars Story), speculation over Black Series figures?

So we finally have a Solo trailer, and I for one am feeling a good vibe from what I have seen so far. The movie feels very much like Rogue One, showing the dirty seedier side of the Star Wars galaxy, while keeping a nostalgic feel with visuals we recognise from the Original Trilogy.

Having had a first look at the movie, albeit under 2 minutes worth, we can start to potential speculate a little about the action figures we are likely to see.

Thanks to information passed to us in late 2017 we know that at least five 6" figures are coming between April and August (TBC). These are currently under code names, but we can now safely assume that Zeus is Han Solo, Hermes is Lando and the Vesta Guard is The Imperial Range Trooper.

We can also have a stab that either Artemis or Athena Grey is probably Emilia Clarke's character, Qui-Ra. Which ever one that then leaves is potentially another female character, such as Thandie Newton's "trigger happy" Val?

I would like to think more figures are in the pipeline, but heavily under-wraps until the movie lands. One of the smaller speeders we see in the trailer would be a good premium purchase release. I suspect we will see a new Chewbacca with that variant bandoleer, a Kessel Guard and possibly a Woody Harrelson figure perhaps in a 3rd wave in the same way we saw DJ released for the Last Jedi.

More should become clear at Toy Fair, and if not there isn't too long to wait until May.... let us know what you think we may see from Hasbro in the 6" Black Series
