
Jan 10, 20204 min

Review : Marvel Legends Nick Fury, Captain Marvel

Despite appearing in numerous films, there has only been one Nick Fury figures to date in the Marvel Legends line. Thankfully a new one was released as part of the 2019 Captain Marvel wave, albeit a de-aged Nick Fury from the 1990's. Fury arrives in the Captain Marvel wave alongside two versions of Carol Danvers, Yon-Rogg, Talos the Skrull and comic book figures Gargoyle and Genis-Vell.

Packaging 3/5

The Captain Marvel movie figures have a predominantly gold colour highlight, used on the backing card for the figure and the character name plate under the movie logo.

To the side of the box the artwork doesn't really have an accented hue and is a simple image of the de-aged Fury with his arms crossed in his shirt and tie. What is odd with this image (other than it being mirrored on the other side) is that it is not accurate to the figure who is delivered in his suit jacket?

The same jacketless Fury is shown on the back of the box along with some basic background text.

"In the years following the Cold War, Nick Fury wrestles with his sense of purpose within S.H.I.E.L.D. When Nick crosses paths with Captain Marvel, they become Earth's only hope of stopping a Skrull invasion."

Paint & Sculpt 3/5

The Fury headsculpt is obviously based on the de-aged look for the movie. It is a good likeness to what we see on screen, and uses face print technology. This means the eyes in particular are very lifelike, and the face is shaded around the nose and eyes.

The outfit is a suit and tie affair, but it doesn't use the existing Coulson/Stark suit, which is a surprise! The shirt cut around the neck is odd, as if Fury is wearing a T-shirt underneath his shirt. This is certainly not what we saw on screen when Nick meets Captain Marvel. And the paint of this shirt neck is not great with the white paint bleeding into the neck piece.

The jacket and tie are rubberised extra pieces and are cast in their base colour and not painted. This means the tie is plain dark grey and not striped. It is interesting to see the gun strap is sculpted under the jacket - although completely hidden. An unjacketed Fury, as seen on the box art, would have perhaps been more interesting.

Accessories 2/5

Nick is armed with a generic handgun which is cast in black plastic with limited detail. It fits into his right hand where a trigger finger can be slotted in place. Unlike the original Nick Fury, there is no working holster under the jacket - even if it is sculpted.

Accessory two (or 2nd character in the box) is Goose the cat - strapped up in his feline Hannibal Lecter chains and mouth guard. This is a static piece with no articulation and it is pretty well painted with ginger variated fur, cats eyes and silver chains and mask.

Goose can't stand up, and is designed instead to be held up by Fury. The left hand of Fury looks sculpted to lock into a grip sculpted into Goose's fur. Sadly the hand doesn't grip enough and after a number of tries I gave up. The right hand can do the job by forcing the fingers out - but that will cause damage and issues going forward for the gun grip.

In the end if you want the Goose holding pose you will need blu tac or similar.


Fury comes in with a full 19 points of articulation, with a surprise inclusion of the upper torso T-joint. Movement is good on all joints, and they are all tight and well poseable.

Head : ball joint neck with pivot

Body : torso T-joint and waist swivel

Arms : ball joint shoulder, bicep swivel, double jointed elbow, wrist pivot

Legs : ball joint shoulder, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, ankle rocker

Even for a "man in a suit" there is plenty of posing options for Nick including kneeling and shooting - with more dynamic options possible if you utilise a display stand.

Nick stands perfectly fine, with the only issue the one mentioned earlier around not being able to hold up Goose - as they had planned - with the left hand.


This is not perhaps the Nick Fury we all want for our MCU collection, but that is more down to choices made at Hasbro not to give us a more contemporary eye patch Nick re-release. What we get is a fairly decent replica of Nick as seen at the start of the Captain Marvel movie - albeit the figure has this weird undershirt going on.

Articulation is spot on, and with the exception of the stripes on the tie the colouring of the outfit is good. The issue is that there were perhaps better outfits to choose, and even options to do a jacketless version and unveil the sculpted gun vest underneath.

The big miss is the ability to hold Goose the cat as was originally planned, the left hand just is not up to the job and needs to be a harder plastic and with a tighter grip on that shaped section on Goose's neck.

In the absence of many figures for Captain Marvel, this is a good attempt but one that scores an average 3 out of 5 with perhaps a "could have done better" comment.

See More Marvel Legends MCU figures

action figures, reviews, review, articulation, hasbro, marvel, legends, 6-inch, captain marvel, nick fury
