
Jan 8, 20181 min

New for 2018.... "2 minute review" video format for YouTube

Another tweak for 2018....

When I started using YouTube it was to create a slideshow of images from our reviews. It then moved to being a review in itself, albeit in a very simplistic photo/text format. These have then been getting longer and longer and more labour intensive to make - without actually getting any better than the basic videos they are.

In an effort to re-energise our YouTube channel I am tweaking the format to a 2 minute review that scores four elements of a figure (packaging, paint, articulation and overall) using the collage videos from our review. Viewers can then choose to visit the full review at the end of the video.

I can of course track how well these are working through the YouTube analytics. But would love to know what you think of this streamlined version - you can leave comments below via Discuss or on our social channels.

Our first two "two minute review" videos are now live for the NECA Damaged Aliens from Series 12
