
Jan 15, 20201 min

NECA "Dorry's Tavern" Gremlin

The next Gremlins action figure release from NECA will be the Dorry's Tavern Gremlin who comes with the glasses and soft goods trenchcoat of the infamous Flasher Gremlin.

There are a number of other parts included in the set including playing cards, poker chips, dealers visor, a hand puppet, a mallet and more. The set is full of options for other Gremlins from the Dorry's Tavern scene and essentially encourages multiple purchases.

The set will be released in May 2020 and will come in the Ultimate packaging with opening front cover.

Any fan of Gremlins knows the 3 simple rules: keep them out of sunlight, don’t get them wet, and never feed them after midnight. Break them and you may find yourself having to cancel Christmas dinner.

Based off of the Dorry’s Tavern scene in Gremlins, the Flasher Gremlin comes equipped with a removable fabric trench coat. Not only that, he is super loaded with new accessories, including a poker visor, poker chips, mallet, puppet, fedora, bowtie, and more, allowing you to recreate the looks of other Gremlins from the film!

Deluxe 5 panel window box packaging featuring new artwork by Jason Edmiston.

action figure, news, toys, reviews, action, figure, blog, checklist, collectors, gremlins, dorrys tavern, neca, ultimate series, flasher gremlin
