
Aug 31, 20171 min

More 3.75" basic range figures revealed in The Last Jedi packaging

The 3.75" basic (5 POA) figure line up for Force Friday is pretty much out there now, with stores breaking embargo's and collectors picking up these figures with relative ease. The first two waves are based on The Last Jedi and split into "orange" and "teal".

It seems a third wave is incoming after these two Last Jedi waves, and while it uses the new white & red cardback - Hasbro are moving to including other figures from the Saga - as they have done in the 2-packs and the Darth Vader & Probe Droid set.

The first of these have leaked via eBay and are Obi-Wan Kenobi from A New Hope, and a Yoda. Yoda comes with his saber so is prequel era. Both figures will be Forcelink compatible.
