
Aug 16, 20162 min

Marvel 6-7" bootlegs are generating a lot of interest

Most Bootleg or Knock off figures are either cheaper copies of an existing sculpt. or a really poor attempt at recreating the character they are meant to be. Although we don't condone the practice, it is always interesting to watch how the bootleg industry is developing.

A huge batch of bootlegs appear to be breaking this trend of poor quality / stolen molds and are generating a lot of internet interest - mainly due to the inclusion of one man... Vision.

Since his appearance in Age of Ultron, Vision is yet to get a movie accurate 6-7" figure, so it is really interesting in the effort that has gone into making this bootleg version, including a pretty accurate face sculpt and textured outfit.

Both Marvel Legends & Marvel Select collectors are already looking to see if this Vision will fit with their collections. So far the jury is out, but Vision apparently stands 17.5cm high, which is just under 7". This puts him closer to Select territory than Legends, but also a tad undersized in Select terms to his height in the movie - checkout some comparison pictures below.

The only other "in hand" figure we've seen is Scarlet Witch, which stands 15.5cm. This is a touch over 6" high, so probably too tall for Legends (who are getting their own Scarlet Witch later this year) but maybe too short for Select collectors.

From the other figures there are several other piece of interest, albeit depending on size. quality and paint job. Civil War Ant-Man, Black Panther, War Machine and Hawkeye are all figures that Select 7" collectors in particular would interested in adding to their collection. Iron Man, Falcon, Black Wdow and Captain America are also decent enough looking and are possibly close enough to be using the molds from the Hasbro versions? Only Winter Soldier appears to be a complete disaster, with an over exagerated muscular torso and some interesting face paint apps.
